Monday, September 1, 2008


Greetings! Welcome to my blog about my adventures in the World of Warcraft. I hope you enjoy what you read.

I began playing in September 2008 and was basically just looking for a game to replace Civilization 3. I bought the discounted Wow starter disc and my life has not been the same ever since.

My first character was Dilaw, an Alliance warlock. The Wow world was so new that I enjoyed immensely my trekking through the different regions. But because I was so new, leveling was a task.

At about December 2007 or January 2008, I began to play Horde characters in the PVP battlegrounds. I initially tried the Alliance, but the folks in Alliance bg were less than helpful and not so mature. So, in spite, I turned to the Horde. The rest is history after that. The Horde was so welcoming and helpful that I began to level Hiwa, a blood elf paladin.

I suggest that everyone try out all aspects of Wow from questing, to raiding to PVP. I will not say that I am the best PVP. I have no desire to do that nor have any interest in becoming the best. I have a real life and I have responsibilities. I do have the desire to determine how I can get all that PVP epic gear though. In this blog, that’s what I will chronicle.

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